On Valentine’s Day, February 14th 2021 Läderach – chocolatier suisse signed an asset purchase agreement allowing Läderach to assume the leases for 34 GODIVA locations across the United States. As a result of this transfer, Läderach will take over the leases of all of these 34 GODIVA locations. Although the parties have agreed to not disclose any other conditions of the agreement, Läderach will announce the locations of the 34 stores to open by the end of summer 2021, if not sooner. Johannes Läderach, CEO, Läderach Group: “After our successful and encouraging US market entry with four stores in the North East and excellent nationwide e-commerce demand, these new stores are the perfect opportunity to share the joy of fresh chocolate from Switzerland with chocolate lovers from coast to coast.”
About Läderach – chocolatier suisse
Läderach – chocolatier suisse has stood for top-quality handcrafted Swiss chocolate specialties since 1962. The family company has more than 1000 employees and is headquartered in the canton of Glarus in Switzerland. Since September 2012, Läderach has been producing its own chocolate mass. This means that they are one of the few premium producers that can guarantee sustainable quality from the cocoa bean to the end product. The company produces exclusively in Switzerland. Their artisanal chocolate products first of all the original FrischSchoggi (fresh chocolate) are currently sold in over 100 Läderach chocolateries in Switzerland, Germany, the UK, the USA and Canada, as through sales partners in the Middle East and Asia.